Monday 17 January 2011

Combat being overweight or obesity with gastric band and weight loss hypnosis

Obesity in the United Kingdom is currently at 69% of the population. In the US it is two thirds. The English are the most obese people in Europe. See my webite for details:

Most people have tried slimming, diets and dieting: Weight Watchers (owned by Heinz!), Slimmers World, Shakes, Grapefruit or cabbage diets, Atkins diet, Cambridge Diet and all the rest - and may have found temporary success and have then stopped dieting and put weight back on. Why? Because they have not addressed reasons why they overeat in the first place - they go back to old ways of eating - they get fed up with all that calorie counting or restricted diets and they don't or "can't" exercise - to really lose weight they need additional motivation and weight loss hypnosis helps with that. Looking at how and when and what they eat is also important.

It is important to make a complete mindset change around eating. Weight loss hypnosis addresses why you may be overeating - whether it be comfort eating, emotional eating, or binge eating through anxiety, stress, greed or because of a childhood relationship with food. There are so many reasons for overeating - and they can be addressed with weight loss hypnosis - I also use hypnoanalysis, NLP and many hypnotherapy techniques - a powerful combination to help the client work with me to address these issues and in fact find greater happioness and startegies to deal with problems in life from depression and anxiety to panic and trauma. I have add in a virtual hypnotic gastric band the HypnoGastricBand which is the final stage to conquer permanently being overweight or obese without yo yo dieting or slimming.

My four part course is fun: it is an adventure and seeks to reconnect you with enjoying slowly and with pleasure great food - some people are actually addicted to certain junk foods full of fat sugar and salt - that is the American Health Authority who say that!

If you're a "food junkie" you are in trouble - there is a burger offered by a well known burger chain - it is a "pizza burger"- which is 2,000 calories for just the burger - add in the sugary drink and the fatty chips and you are in serious excess of your Recommended daily amount of calories and you are eating too much fat sugar and salt which is harmful to you.

We were once hunters and gatherers and are programmed to eat a lot - but we don't get exercise chasing our prey - and many people get no exercise at all - or hate exercise - so there are lots of calories eaten which are just not burnt off - is it a surprise that many of us are many pounds overweight or even obese?

Meal deals and ready meals seem to be the easy option. A typical "meal deal" may have white bread, meat full of water sugar and salt, a margarine full of trans fats and preservatives - a bit of healthy salad smothered in fatty mayonnaise and fatty crisps - 11% fat typically - with a coke with twelve teaspoons of sugar and caffeine! It may say it is low in calories but it is full of stuff that is harmful!

Ready meals are also stuffed with cheap fat sugar and salt ... we have been taught to love the stuff - and this is a recipe for health problemsr. You can eat cheaply without buying rubbish food! The processed food manufacturers that sell you this harmful stuff are making a bomb out of making you unhealthy.

There is a serious side to all of this: Imagine one sigle pound of lard.

How big is that? Visualise it.

Now imagine fourteen of those pounds. A rucksacks worth would you think? That is one stone or fourteen pounds. If I asked you to put on that rucksack and carry it about all day you would tell me to get lost ... or words to that effect. Yet people are doing this every day carrying excess pounds around. And 69% of the United Kingdom population are carrying much more than ONE stone excess weight. What does this do? It puts pressure on your back, knees, joints, it restricts breathing - and can lead to heart attacks, osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes shortening your life or making it uncomfortable. If you have any of this already or blood pressure or are just a bit overweight or suffer from obesity (BMI Over 30) then you need to seriously consider weight loss hypnosis.

My approach is that I offer a combination of nutritional advice, humour, motivation, addressing your issues around food, anxiety, stress, emotions, self punishment, self defence or whatever with hypnotherapy and hypnoanalysis plus reframing using NLP.

The combination of factors of this weight loss hypnosis approach tackles underlying issues and this is not just about weight loss - but about finding greater happiness and confidence and strategies to deal with problems in Life.

My hypnotherapy practice is on the Suffolk Essex border - which is apparently of the worst areas in England for obesity. But obesity, or just being a few stone overweight, can be helped with weight loss hypnotherapy hypnosis hypnoanalysis NLP and good nutritional advice.

In cases of BMI over 30, so called clinically obese, I also add in Gastric Band hypnosis to my weight loss programme. I have helped many people with these finely tuned programmes in and out of Harley Street - and my experience shows that you really can lose weight permanently and keep it off.

The other alternative if you are clinically obese is a real gastric band, lap band, gastric bypass or stomach stapling which can cost up to £7,000 and has been known to be risky as all operations can be.

With the virtual gastric band I "fit" it under hypnosis and you feel as though it is in place. Hypnosis is perfectly safe - no-one ever died of hypnosis!

What is a real gastric band? It is basically a hollow band which is fitted around the upper part of your stomach to form a small pouch - when it is full it sends a signal to your hypothalmus which is the governer of your appetite so you feel much fuller sooner than normal.

The food then passes through the restriction and it is then digested as normal.

The hollow band has a connected tube which links to an access port in your abdomen through which the gastric band can be tightened or loosened easily with saline solution.

For me the virtual hypnotic gastric band or HypnoGastricBand tm is similar to a safety belt. At the end of my weight loss hypnotherapy course you should feel that you could see a large buffet and select as an intelligent eater - enjoying your food but knowing how to choose wisely.

If you want more information on weight loss hypnosis in Suffolk and Essex or anywhere else you can go to my website to see how this works at where there is much more detail, tips and weight loss tricks to lose weight effectively and links to practitioners in your area.

Graham Howes ASHPH GQHP GHR registered and GHSC regulated
HypnoGastricBand registered practitioner