Monday 17 January 2011

Panic attacks anxiety stress and depression - hypnosis can help

Panic attacks, anxiety, stress and depression can all be helped with hypnosis using hypnotherapy, hypnoanalysis and NLP. I am an ex Harley Street hypnotherapist based in Manningtree near Colchester Essex and in Hadleigh near Ipswich in Suffolk.

There are many strategies which can help you deal with WHY you may be suffering and we can usually get to the bottom of what is causing the difficulty with hypnoanalysis and make those therapeutic changes that will enable you to get by the problem. This not just a matter of being "all in the mind" but is often also about making adjsutments to your diet and lifestyle to combat these distressing symptoms.

You should feel that you can get beyond these problems and see that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train coming the other way.

In the case of anxiety stress and panic attacks - much of the problem is with the "fight or flight mechanism" which dumps adrenaline into our system to fight the predator or run away - which was useful when we might have been prey to a sabre tooth tiger but most of the time is not helpful in the 21st century - particularly when we try to ignore it so the subconscious feels we haven't noticed and continues to dump more and more adrenaline until we almost pass out!

A little "nerves" or anxiety is fine and natural - indeed sometimes beneficial - but panic attacks anxiety or stress can be connected with an exaggerated response to stimuli. We need to be able to tell our subconscious, which governs our responses, to stop dumping so much adrenaline into our system - that we have noticed the alert and we don't really need that response - and train ourselves to be calmer and more confident in any situation that has given us anxious feelings in the past. This is all possible with hypnosis which enables you to change how you feel and act and get control of the situation.

When you are depressed you may feel that the onset of depression cannot be stopped but there are strategies that can work to help head off most depressive incidents.

Depression Panic Attacks and Anxiety and Stress may feel insurmountable - but it is possible to get through these problems and find a happier life.

Graham Howes ASHPH GQHP GHR registered GHSC regulated
Edge of the World Hypnotherapy and NLP

Hypnotherapy NLP and Hypnosis at reasonable cost in Manningtree near Clacton Colchester and Mistley in Essex and at Hadleigh near Ipswich Dedham and East Bergholdt in Suffolk.
My website is:

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