Sunday 27 November 2011

Depression can be helped with Hypnotherapy

I have worked with many clients who are just prescribed drugs and a limited number of counselling or CBT sessions. I am not knocking it - these can be useful in cases of Depression. My question is really what do any ofthese things do long term and from a large number of my clients I have come to the conclusion that many of them will have to choose between hypnotherapy / therapy or medication. Medication works in that it takes the edge off - but it takes the edge off everything!

My approach is to try to find the drivers of a person's depression and enable positive strategies to DEAL with it. We all have a "Map of the World" which is based around our perception and the perspective learned from experiences. Many people suffer because their "Map of the World" is deficient and they are suffering needlessly when they could with a shift in mindset begin to find a greater happiness in Life. In my view this is a better long term strategy beacuse it could be easy to settle into this depressed mindset - but for my clients they come to see me because they WANT to move on. One client had had a Mother, Sister and Grandmother and Grandfather ALL with Depression. She has now found a way forward.

I don't claim to be a miracle worker - it takes courage to do this - but it is possible to see the light at the end of the tunnel without it always being a train coming in the oppsoie direction!

Graham Howes ASHPH GQHP GHR registered GHSC regulated CNHC approved
Edge of the World Hypnotherapy and NLP in Ipswich Suffolk Manningtree Clacton and Colchester Essex and Hadleigh Suffolk for more

Number one on page one of Google

I don't know about anyone else but I am fed up how much time I lose tweaking to follow the latest google changes or employing someone to do the same - it has become ridiculous how much time and money I have had to spend to try to be even on page one for google in Ipswich and Colchester for Hypnotherapy.

My website has ben tweaked - I spent hours researching keywords... I get multiple calls every day fro seo companies offering to put me on page one of google for hypnotherapy. It seems bing / yahoo want to go the same money grabbing way of blackmailing you! I wish someone would go back to basics and bring out a new serarch engine based solely around relevance. So if I am seeking "weight loss hypnosis in Ipswich" - then I am a specialist in hypno gastric band and weight loss hypnotherapy so I should be up there. NOT without tweaking I won't be - because all those competitors spending shedloads of money and time will come up ahead of me even if they are not specialists in that area!

It isn't just me either I have a client who has a pet related business in Ipswich and all sorts of irrleevant slightly related nonsense relegates her to page 5! Dreamweaver and other Adobe products linked to the internet are a fantastic tools don't get me wrong - it is just how the industry surrounding SEO just holds us all over a barrel and forces us to compete to our loss I believe.

Can't someone come out with a back to basics serach engine that everyone uses that seeks for relevance only?

By the way Google Maps continues (at present!) to be one free option for effective seo.... shhhh they will find some way fo charging for it soon!

Graham Howes

Edge of the World Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy in Ipswich and Colchester

Is there any alternative to Google continuing to hold us over a barrel for seo?

I don't know about anyone else but I am fed up how much time I lose tweaking to follow the latest google changes or employing someone to do the same - it has become reidiculous how much time and money I have had to spend to try to be even on page one for google in Ipswich and Colchester for Hypnotherapy. My website has ben tweaked - I spent hours researching keywords... I get multople calls every day fro seo companies offering to put me on page one of google for hypnotherapy. It seems bing / yahoo want to go the same money grabbing way of blackmailing you! I wish someone would go back to basics and bring out a new serarch engine based solely around relevance. So if I am seeking "weight loss hypnosis in Ipswich" - then I am a specialist in hypno gastric band and weight loss hypnotherapy so I should be up there. NOt without tweaking I won't be - because all those competitors spending shedloads of money and time will come up ahead of me even if they are not specialists in that area!

It isn't just me either I have a client who has a pet related business in Ipswich and all sorts of irrleevant slightly related nonsense relegates her to page 5! What is wrong is just how the industry surrounding SEO just holds us all over a barrel and forces us to compete to our loss I believe.

Maybe someone will make a killing by going back to basics because I for one am fed up with pandering to the great God Google!

Graham Howes

Edge of the World Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy in Ipswich and Colchester

Friday 25 November 2011

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Why is hypnotherapy one of the top ways to quit smoking? Because if you really want to stop smoking for good you need to address WHY you smoke - this can be because of anxiety stress or because you learned to enjoy it or associate it with a social group. Unfortunately the bad news is that ylou suck 4,000 poisons into your body with each puff and shorten your life it has been calculated by 11 minutes a cigarette - it is playing Russian Roulette with your health as you will have aone in three chance of contracting emphysema cancer or other serious lung disease.

There is more on my website and I offer help in the Ipswich and Colchester area to help you with my 3 part course which will ensure if you really want to stop that you have your best chance of quitting smoking for good.

Graham Howes

Edge of the World Hypnotherapy in Ipswich Hadleigh Suffolk and Manningtree Clacton and Colchester ESSEX